
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Taco Bell .99 Crunchwrap Supreme

Wow, what is that? you ask......That my friends is the delicious Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme. (the photo shows 2 stacked on each other)  I mentioned that my family ate at Taco Bell before we did Chuck E. Cheese on Friday.  These bad boys retail for $2.79, and I thought about buying one....THAT is how good they are.

So glad I decided it was a little too pricey, because THIS WEEK 6/12-6/18 you can buy a Crunchwrap Supreme for only .99.    BUT, if you buy 2 Crunchwrap Supremes, it's only $2....BUT.... ha ha.  (If you don't know what I'm talking about search You Tube for Kid History....too funny)

*You do not need a coupon for this deal*

I can eat about 3/4 of one of these before I can't eat anymore and for .99 you better believe I will be stopping by a Taco Bell this week!

If you happen to try one of these this week, come back here and tell us what you thought of it.

(Thanks Save the Coupons)

1 comment:

  1. I had these last time I knew they were $0.99. They were smaller than I thought they might be (a little thin), but they were really good and still filling.


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