
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DIY Thrifty Thursday!!! #2

I thought it would be fun to Feature my 3 favorites from last week:

Thanks for linking up everyone!  
If you were featured this week, feel free to grab one of my "I was featured" buttons on the right margin.

Welcome to DIY Thrifty Thursday!  This week link any DIY projects you have finished this week or ones you have not linked up here before.  SUPERBOWL APPETIZER recipes would be fun, home improvement projects, crafts, Esty shops....anything you can think of.

Visit a few other peeps on here and spread the love. :)

Link back to DIY Thrifty Thursday so other can join in on the fun.

And as you can see, my awesome brother in law made me a snazzy new button for DIY Thrifty Thursday!  Feel free to grab one of those. 

Okay, okay......where's the party?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Michelle for featuring my Rustic Snowflakes :) It really means a lot, especially being so new to the blogging world!


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