
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Red Macaroni Soup" recipe

I've been sick for the past 2-3 days, so I've kind of been MIA on the blog.  I thought this would be a great time to share a family favorite recipe:
Every summer/fall I can tomato juice with tomatoes from my mom and sisters garden (and this year, from my own garden!).
 We call this recipe "Red Macaroni Soup".  Not to be confused with our "Macaroni Soup" which consists of Campbell's tomato soup with milk and macaroni.
 First you boil your macaroni (we use elbow) and then pour in Tomato juice.  I use the stuff I can, but any type of grocery store tomato juice would work.  Here is my little chef helping me out.
 Next you grate some cheese into the macaroni and tomato juice and stir.
I serve it with a little butter, salt and pepper.  Can you see the steam coming from the bowl? YUM! This is delicious!  And the best part is there is no measuring involved!
**My grandma would make this and add hamburger and call it "Goolosh".  I never understood why she would ruin my "Red Macaroni Soup" with hamburger!  But to each their own I guess. :)

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