
Monday, April 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Point , UT Tulip Festival now through May 7.

Where was your morning walk this morning? This was mine. :)

I decided to take some "me time" today.  I dropped my youngest boy off at preschool, headed to the gym and then drove to Thanksgiving Point.  T.P. is a botanical garden in Lehi, UT....5 minutes from my house.

It rained last night and I think that scared a few people away this morning.  It was not crowded at all, I passed 3 people on  my 40 minute walk.  It was beautiful.  I get to enjoy all the beauty that someone else weeds. :)

Thanksgiving Point is currently hosting it's annual "Tulip Festival".  Now through May 7th.  They usually have a "bloom meter" at the front desk that tells you how many of the blooms are up, but it was missing this year.   
I'd say it's 70% in bloom as of today.
You can click HERE to see details of the tulip festival.

Cost is:
$10 adults
$6 kids
$9 seniors

Free with a Thanksgiving point pass, click HERE to see details on passes available.

*Thanksgiving Point is a not for profit organization, so your membership is tax deductible!

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