
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BOGO FREE Paint Samples at Lowes

Lowes has their Paint Sample cans on sale BOGO FREE online.  This is a great chance to grab some high quality paint for your craft projects, or a cheap way to test out colors you might want to use in your home.

  1. Head on over HERE and select your color.
  2. Add it to your cart.
  3. Add a second can of the same OR DIFFERENT color
  4. Price will automatically be adjusted to get the second one FREE
  5. Shipping will also be free
I just gave this a test run and my total for 2 cans was $2.94 with the free shipping.

Offer Ends 5/16/11.


  1. Thanks for this find! Do you know if this is online only? Or can we get this in store as well?

  2. Online only. And the color I chose earlier today is now out of stock. Not sure if it's a computer glitch or if they are really going that fast.


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