
Friday, June 3, 2011

Free Krispy Kreme doughnut TODAY

I just got mine! You can pick any doughnut EXCEPT for Maple bars and the new Oreo ones.  Also, for those of you in Utah...the Orem store has an "Ugliest Tie" contest going on right now.  Bring in any ugly tie (they keep the tie and hang it from the ceiling) and you get a free dozen glazed doughnuts.  If your tie is the ugliest at then end of the competition, you get a free dozen doughnuts once a week for a year!
~Contest runs until June 19th.

Kirspy Kreme is giving out FREE doughnuts to everyone that comes in on Friday June 3rd in honor of "National Doughnut Day".

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country that gives doughnuts their own day?  ha ha ☺

Click HERE to find a location near you.

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