
Saturday, June 11, 2011

FREE Family Fun at Chuck E. Cheese

Free family fun at Chuck E. Cheese!  Here's how:

  1. Click HERE and play the Skeeball game on the Chuck E. Cheese website.  After you play you can print of a voucher for FREE tickets.  It's a fun, short little game.  You can bring in one ticket voucher per child per visit.  I played 3 times and printed off 3 vouchers for 32 tickets each and took them in to our Chuck E. Cheese yesterday.
  2. Bring in your child's latest report card to Chuck E. Cheese and they will give you 15 tokens per report card....again, for FREE!

If you really feel like you have to pay money when you go, they have printable coupons online HERE.  Just select the state you live in and they will come up.  There is a coupon for 160 tokens for $25.  I checked yesterday and if you buy them there they cost $30, so it's a $5 savings.  I had a $20 voucher I bought at a charity fundraiser that I used to purchase tokens with that coupon.  So I ended up paying $5 for 190 tokens (160 + 30 for 2 report cards (15 each))

Of course you don't have to use all your tokens in one day. (Santa likes to give my kids some tokens in a mini stocking in their Christmas stocking) I think my boys used about 15 coins each today.  We just go for an hour or so when we go and we NEVER buy food there. (today we ate at Taco Bell across the street before we went to Chuck E. Cheese)
You also don't have to use your tickets that day either.  They have these "Ticket Munchers" that count those annoying stacks of millions of tickets and print off a nice little reciept that tells you how many tickets you have.  Today we printed off 2, one said "80" and the other said "72".  My boys used the FREE ticket vouchers I printed off online and we are keeping the ticket receipts that they earned playing games with the excess tokens for our next visit.  
And yes, I will be playing the online skee ball before our next trip too. :)

1 comment:

  1. My Kids love Chuck E Cheese. All Games just 1 Token ;) fun


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