
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Umbrella Makeover

A fellow Thrifty 101 reader Heather sent me this awesome project.  Here's what she has to say:

......with all this rain that has come and maybe gone, I thought it would be fun to show you my latest umbrella makeover...

First of all the story of the umbrella.  My sisters and mom thought I was absolutely nuts when I bought this awesome umbrella when we were in Italy last February only to rip it apart before we got home.  After all, it wouldn't fit in my suitcase anyway.  It cost me 5 Euro which is about $8 bucks in US dollars.  I figured if my plan for it didn't work, I wasn't out too much.  So, I attached the before shot and makeover pic for you to see. 
 Kind of fun huh?  The best part is that if ever I am stuck in a rain storm with my kids while wearing it.  I can just shove them under my skirt while we walk and they will stay nice and dry.  Genius!

How fun is that skirt?!  I would have never thought of making a skirt from an umbrella.  Way cute.
Thanks to Heather for sharing her creative genius with us all!

Be sure to check back later tonight when I will have the DIY Thrifty Thursday link party up and running!

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