
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DIY Thrifty Thursday #28

I'm home from my Florida vacation and had a wonderful time, (more about that later) and now I'm off to spend the day at the local amusement park with my oldest boy.  We went last week and the power went out, so we get to come back before Friday for FREE!!!  You all know I can't pass up FREE, so I'm headed for yet another full day in the sun in 100 degree weather. (yay?)  But hey, it's free right? lol

This week I wanted to remind everyone of the 3 giveaways currently underway:

Okay, seriously...this photo cracks me up.  They gave me a bunch to choose from, but this one unique? 
I thought it was disturbing yet hilarious. :) ha ha

For Utah Readers (or those of you willing to drive here) I've got a family 4 pack of Ringling Brothers "Fully Charged" tickets to give away.

All 3 giveaways end on Sunday the 14th to allow me time to unpack and do laundry. ;)  

So now that you know what I've been up to.....lets see what you've been up to! 
  • DIY projects only please
  • Please help promote DIY Thrifty Thursday by linking back in some way
  • Visit others, and have fun!


  1. Happy Thursday, Michelle! Dang I wish I lived in Utah, would LOVE to go to the circus!! Thanks for hosting. Hope you enjoy my link this week.

  2. Thank you for hosting!

    Angela & Debbie


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