
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

DIY Thrifty Thursday #32

Wow, this Thursday snuck up on me! Hope you are having a wonderful week thus far!  
Here are the features from last week:
Keller-Creative Master Bath re-do take 2 ~It's amazing what a few simple changes can do.

Kitchen Fun with My 3 sons; Beaver Burgers ~ So creative!  My boys would LOVE these!

Second Chances Pillowcase dress ~ Talk about inventive!  It looks great!

Vixen Made; Raspberry Lemonade cupcakes ~ yum!

Shabby Loco; "Big Balls" ~Very elegant, and Thrifty! :)
For those of you featured, be sure to grab the "I was featured" button below for your site!


  1. Follow Thrifty 101
  2. Link back to Thrifty 101 somewhere on your blog and help promote DIY Thrifty Thursdays, the bigger the party, the better! THANKS! Buttons are found HERE or you can just add a little link this: Thrifty101.
  3. Link up any projects you have done yourself. Even if you didn't "create" the idea or invent the recipe, you still made it yourself.
  4. Visit other bloggers and leave a comment, you might just make someone's day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a bunch for featuring my pillowcase dress this week...I feel honored!


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