
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Financial Notebook download from Diddle Daddle

I was looking over some of my favorite blogs today and I found THIS link on Money Saving Mom.

The link is to a financial organizer based on Dave Ramsey's book Financial Peace.  I have not read that book, but I have read his book Total Money Makeover.  I actually recommended it in THIS post.  I am also enrolled in a finance class right now where the CPA's that are teaching it have all recommended Dave Ramsey's books.

Carrie from Diddle Daddle took what she learned from this book, and created word doc's according to the "Seven Steps" in the book.  She has had many requests on her blog to see her finance notebook, so she has made blank documents available for her readers.

Click HERE to see how she created her Financial Notebook.

(Thanks Diddle Daddle)

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