
Monday, May 23, 2011

Wedding cake part 2

So when we last left off..........I had just put a crumb coat on all 4 layers.

The next step is to frost all layers smooth.  You need the frosting smooth because the fondant mimics the frosting texture under it.  I didn't get a good picture of this step but you can see it 2 pics down from here.
Roll the frosting out 1/4 inch thin, be sure to dust work surface with powdered sugar to prevent sticking.
fold fondant lightly in half, pick up
and lay over the top of your cake.
Smooth the fondant on the cake and trim off any excess.  Then smooth the entire cake and trim flush with cake board bottom.
Add PVC pipes, straws or wooden dowels for support in stacking a cake
Then watch it come to life after you add flowers!

 Then watch them destroy your beautiful creation. ;)

Total time:
  • Buying supplies - 3 hours
  • Baking the 4 cakes and prep - 6 hours.
  • Cutting, torting, making frosting and crumb coating 4 cakes with prep - 6 hours
  • Frost cakes smooth 3 hours
  • Fondant cakes 3 hours
  • Apply supports 1 hour
  • Delivery and set up 3 hours (I got caught in traffic)
  • Wait during reception
  • Take down 1 hour
Total Time: 26 hours

26 hours multiplied by say $10 an hour (that's a low per/hour estimate) is $260 in just time.  That doesn't include ingredients for the cakes, frosting, any extra pans (I didn't have an 18" pan, I had to purchase a new one) or purchasing the fondant.

So there you have it.  The breakdown of making a wedding cake and why they are so crazy expensive! :)

I'm linking up at these parties: 
Skip to my Lou 
DIY Showoff
Tip Junkie


  1. Huh. I never knew! Question: How do you make sure 3 little boys don't touch any of it?


  2. My boys know not to touch any cakes. I've been doing this so long I trust them. My youngest is 5 so they all know better. :) No friends are allowed over at our house while I'm doing the cakes though! ;)

  3. You must have so much patience!!! It looks absolutely beautiful but I would be crushed to have it eaten after that much work! :)

  4. wow, that is so pretty!! :-) I'm always amazed at people who can make pretty cakes.

  5. Wow this looks absolutely incredible! Wonderful job and thank you for sharing your knowledge :)

    Deviantly Domesticated

  6. Absolutely beautiful!! My mom has made wedding cakes and any other kind of cake for as long as I can remember. She used to say that the mess was her biggest complaint...mixing all the different colored frosting for flowers or other decorations and then having to clean up all the bowls, bags, and tips was so time consuming!
    You did a great job!

  7. great job! it came out lovely, found you over at blue cricket design, stop by for a visit sometime :)


  8. The cake turned out beautifully, great work.

  9. I have always wanted to try doing this :)

  10. beautiful! I've made one wedding cake, for my nephews wedding, and I surely appreciate the time it goes into making a cake after that. I havent tried fondant though, it was all buttercream.

  11. That looks gorgeous! And yummy! It's almost sad how something that took so long to make can be ripped apart in milliseconds! But, it sure turned out great for pictures and for memories. Lovely!

  12. oh very pretty. thanks for sharing the steps!

    Thanks for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday! Hope to see ya again this week :)

  13. Love your blog!! I am your new follower :) if you would like to follow me @ that would be great :) I am just starting out, but I am excited to share new recipes, crafts, and makeup..


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