Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hunger Games tickets on sale today at Cinemark Theaters

I am SO excited for this movie!  I could not put down the books.

Cinemark has tickets for The Hunger Games on sale starting TODAY!

Click HERE to find a theater near you.

You can also sign u for the Cinemark newsletter HERE and each week you will get concession coupons via email.  Usually they are for a free item with purchase of another.  Like a free medium popcorn with the purchase of a medium drink...etc.

And just for fun, here is The Hunger Games trailer for your enjoyment. ☺
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  1. I got mine! I've got loads of Hunger Games posts planned for March I'm so so so excited. I'll admit it I'm a geek.

  2. What! I thought you were a Megaplex gal! Reserved Seating is the best!

  3. I posted about the Megaplex event on FB. I got the Cinnemark email first, so it went up on the blog. LOVE reserved seating! :)


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