Smith's Coupon Event
All Coupons Under $1 = $1.00
$0.10 coupon = $1.00
$0.25 coupon = $1.00
$0.50 coupon = $1.00
$0.75 coupon = $1.00
$1.00 coupon = $1.00
All Coupons Under $1 = $1.00
$0.10 coupon = $1.00
$0.25 coupon = $1.00
$0.50 coupon = $1.00
$0.75 coupon = $1.00
$1.00 coupon = $1.00
Here's are a few more coupon tips:
Coupon stacking:
For this example, lets use a GM cereal coupon. I have a coupon for $1.00 off the purchase of 3 boxes of cereal. BUT I also have 3 separate coupons for .50 off 1 box of Coco Puffs (which are a GM cereal). You can use all 4 coupons to purchase your 3 boxes of cereal! Use 1 coupon per box of cereal, and then because you did in fact buy 3 boxes of cereal, you can use the $1.00 off the purchase of 3 boxes coupon too.
So last week when I went to Smiths, I bought 2 boxes of Coco Puffs with coupons for .50 off of each box, then I used a .50 off of a box of Trix (also GM). I then used the $1.00 off the purchase of 3 boxes of GM cereal coupon. So.....after the Smiths Coupon even, where my .50 coupons were taken at $1 value, PLUS the fact that GM cereal is on sale 3/$5 this week, my total looked like this:
Coupon stacking:
For this example, lets use a GM cereal coupon. I have a coupon for $1.00 off the purchase of 3 boxes of cereal. BUT I also have 3 separate coupons for .50 off 1 box of Coco Puffs (which are a GM cereal). You can use all 4 coupons to purchase your 3 boxes of cereal! Use 1 coupon per box of cereal, and then because you did in fact buy 3 boxes of cereal, you can use the $1.00 off the purchase of 3 boxes coupon too.
So last week when I went to Smiths, I bought 2 boxes of Coco Puffs with coupons for .50 off of each box, then I used a .50 off of a box of Trix (also GM). I then used the $1.00 off the purchase of 3 boxes of GM cereal coupon. So.....after the Smiths Coupon even, where my .50 coupons were taken at $1 value, PLUS the fact that GM cereal is on sale 3/$5 this week, my total looked like this:
Coco Puffs $1.66
Coco Puffs $1.66
Trix $1.66
Coupons -$3.00 (3 single box manufacturer coupons taken at $1.00 value)
Coupon -$1.00 (1 Manufacturer's coupon for $1.00 off 3 boxes)
Grand total: $0.98 for ALL 3 BOXES That's 33¢ a box!!!
Printing Internet Coupons:
When you print internet coupons from coupon site like Coupon.com or Smartsource.com you are allowed to print off 2 coupons. Once the first one prints, click the back button on your browser and print off a second. Some times you have to click the back button quickly 3 times, but it will work. (that's how I got the 2 Coco Puffs coupons in the above example)
New coupons Sunday
The last tip I wanted to share is the fact that Smith's coupon event ends Monday.......AND the fact that new coupons came out in your Sunday paper! I know Charmin is on sale this week at Smiths, and there were 2 coupons in my Sunday paper for Charmin. Also check out the internet coupon links I posted above to find more coupons. Give your Smith's ad another look based on the coupons that you got Sunday.
Mail in coupon offer on Proctor and Gamble
Also check the P&G coupon packet in your Sunday paper, or click HERE for a mail in coupon offer. If you spend $50 in P&G products between Aug 20 and Dec. 31 you mail in the rebate for coupons totaling over $110.00. I know $50 seems like a lot, but you will be suprised at how fast your purchases over 4 months can add up, especially on P&G things. Tide, Charmin, Swiffer, Dawn, Downey, Bounty, Puffs, Iams pet food....the list goes on and on. I've already started my "P&G file". You could even stuff all the receipts in an envelope near your desk. That way they are all together when you finally hit the $50 mark.
FREE Johnson and Johnson First aid kit offer
Smith's also has Band Aids on sale this week. I picked up some character ones for my kids. They were $1.79, usually $3.50. And if you have a coupon on top of that, you've just gotten an amazing deal. HERE is an offer for a FREE Johnson and Johnson First Aid Kit with the purchase of 3 boxes of Bandaids.
Coco Puffs $1.66
Trix $1.66
Coupons -$3.00 (3 single box manufacturer coupons taken at $1.00 value)
Coupon -$1.00 (1 Manufacturer's coupon for $1.00 off 3 boxes)
Grand total: $0.98 for ALL 3 BOXES That's 33¢ a box!!!
Printing Internet Coupons:
When you print internet coupons from coupon site like Coupon.com or Smartsource.com you are allowed to print off 2 coupons. Once the first one prints, click the back button on your browser and print off a second. Some times you have to click the back button quickly 3 times, but it will work. (that's how I got the 2 Coco Puffs coupons in the above example)
New coupons Sunday
The last tip I wanted to share is the fact that Smith's coupon event ends Monday.......AND the fact that new coupons came out in your Sunday paper! I know Charmin is on sale this week at Smiths, and there were 2 coupons in my Sunday paper for Charmin. Also check out the internet coupon links I posted above to find more coupons. Give your Smith's ad another look based on the coupons that you got Sunday.
Mail in coupon offer on Proctor and Gamble
Also check the P&G coupon packet in your Sunday paper, or click HERE for a mail in coupon offer. If you spend $50 in P&G products between Aug 20 and Dec. 31 you mail in the rebate for coupons totaling over $110.00. I know $50 seems like a lot, but you will be suprised at how fast your purchases over 4 months can add up, especially on P&G things. Tide, Charmin, Swiffer, Dawn, Downey, Bounty, Puffs, Iams pet food....the list goes on and on. I've already started my "P&G file". You could even stuff all the receipts in an envelope near your desk. That way they are all together when you finally hit the $50 mark.
FREE Johnson and Johnson First aid kit offer
Smith's also has Band Aids on sale this week. I picked up some character ones for my kids. They were $1.79, usually $3.50. And if you have a coupon on top of that, you've just gotten an amazing deal. HERE is an offer for a FREE Johnson and Johnson First Aid Kit with the purchase of 3 boxes of Bandaids.
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